Подберите к терминам, данным в левой колонке, определения, выставленные справа. 1.

Подберите к терминам, данным в левой колонке, определения, выставленные справа. 1. Computer 39; a) the set of instructions that direct the operations of computers; 2. Computer literacy b) a part of a computer, entering data into the device; 3. A program c) facts unorganized but able to be organized; 4. Data d) the output of a data processing system; 5. Data processing . e) possessing sufficient knowledge of how computers work and what they can do to use them as problem solving tools; 6. Data processing f) a series of operations that results in the conversion of data system into useful information;

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Ответ: 1/-, 2/e, 3/a, 4/c, 5/f, 6/f, -/b, -/d.

1. Computer (компьютер) - an electronic device for storing and processing data.

2. Computer literacy (компьютерная грамотность) - e) possessing sufficient knowledge of how computers work and what they can do to use them as problem solving tools.

3. A program (программа) - a) the set of instructions that direct the operations of computers.

4. Data (данные, информация) - c) facts unorganized but able to be organized

5-6. Data processing (обработка данных) - f) a series of operations that results in the conversion of data system into useful information.

Input/Input device (вход, устройство ввода) - b) a part of a computer, entering data into the device.

Output/Output device (выход, устройство вывода инфы) - d) the output of a data processing system. 

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