1. Восстановите предложения 1) Five, in, there, my, are, people, family.

1. Восстановите предложения 1) Five, in, there, my, are, people, family. 2) No, next to, is, my, cafe, there, house. 3) A mirror, on, there, two, is, the, wall, and, pictures. 4) Plants, , on, any, there, the window? 2.Исправьте ошибку в предложении 1) There39;s no lamps on the wall. 2) In my classroom there are no plant. 3) There is a fireplace on the window. 4) There is an armchair near the sofa? 3. Переведите предложения на британский язык 1) В этом доме нет камина. 2) В библиотеке есть древние книжки?-Да, есть. 3) Кот-под диваном? -Да. 4) В комнате стол и четыре стула.

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1. 1) There are five people in the family. 2) There is no cafe next to my house. 3) There is a mirrow and two pictures on the wall. 4) Are there any plants on the window?

2. 1) There are no lamps on the wall. 2) In my classroom there are no plants. 3) There is a fireplace under the window. 4) Is there an armchair near the sofa?

3. 1) There is no fireplace in this house. 2) Are there ancient books in the library? -Yes, there are.

3) Is there a cat under the sofa? -Yes, there is. 4) There is a table and four chairs in the room.


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