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Изберите правильную форму глагола в Passive либо Active voice The information will send/ will be sent to you as soon as possible.A new built/was built last year.We quoted/were quoted the prices last week.Who invented/was invented this new model of computer?He didnt do his job properly and sacked/was sacked.Is this model still for sale? No, it sold/was sold two months ago.Who made/was мейд an appointment with Mr.Brown?Every time I travel by plane, my flight delays/is delayed.I cant give you the documents. They lost/were lost yesterday.Tom will get a higher salary soon, he will promote/will be promoted.

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The information will be sent to you as soon as possible. A new skyscraper was built last year. We were quoted the prices last week. Who invented this new model of computer? He didnt do his job properly and was sacked. Is this model still for sale? No, it was sold two months ago. Who мейд an appointment with Mr. Brown? Every time I travel by plane, my flight is delayed. I cant give you the documents. They were lost yesterday. Tom will get a higher salary soon, he will be promoted.

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