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Переведите предложения и задайте к ним вопрос, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. Сделайте логическую подмену местоимений, где необходимо. 1. We expect that this sportsman wins prices at all competitions.(Whom?)

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We expect that this sportsman wins prices at all competitions.

Мы ждём, что этот спортсмен одолеет на всех соревнованиях.

Do we expect that this sportsman wins prices at all competitions?

Who expects that this sportsman wins prices at all competitions?

Whom do we expect to win all prices at all competitions?

Do we or does he expect that this sportsman wins prices at all competitions?

Do we expect that this sportsman or that sportsman wins prices at all competitions?

Do we expect that this sportsman wins or loses prices at all competitions?

We expect that this sportsman wins prices at all competitions, do not we?

We expect that he wins prices at all competitions.

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