IV. Раскройте скобки, напишите количественные местоимения much, many, переведите предложения, обращая

IV. Раскройте скобки, напишите количественные местоимения much, many, переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод оборота there is, there are. 1. There (to be) много children in the garden. 2. The park (to be) in the centre of the city, there (to be) много flowers there. 3. There (to be) много useful information in this book. 4. He (to be) the only child in this family. 5. There (to be) five children in this family. 6. There (to be) много cold days in November. 7. There (to be) много light in this room. 8. The soup (to be) not tasty. There (to be) много salt in it. 9. I (to be) glad that there (to be) много my friends here. 10. There (to be) много computers in the room. They (to be) all modern.

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1. There are many children in the garden. - В саду много детей.
2. The park is in the centre of the city, there are many flowers there. - Парк находится в центре города, там много цветов.
3. There is much useful information in this book. - В этой книжке много полезной инфы.
4. He is the only child in this family. - Он единственный ребенок в этой семье.
5. There are five children in this family. - В этой семье пятеро малышей.
6. There are many cold days in November. - В ноябрь много прохладных дней.
7. There is much light in this room. - В этой комнате много света.
8. The soup is not tasty. There is much salt in it. - Суп совершенно не вкусный. В нем очень много соли.
9. I am glad that there are many my friends here. - Я рад, что здесь много моих приятелей.
10. There are many computers in the room. They are all modern. - В комнате много компов. Они все современные.

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