1. Open the brackets using the Passive Voice 1. We are

1. Open the brackets using the Passive Voice 1. We are invited to the theatre, but we did not go. 2. The house is painting by him. 3. Cheese is not, makefrom water. 4. This film are watching by many people. 5. My bicycle is steal a few days ago. 6. Do you know that this book is translateinto Russian only two days ago? 7. Our town is visitoften by foreign guests

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1. We were invited to the theatre, but we did not go. 2. The house is being painted by him. 3. Сheese is not made from water. 4. This film is being watched by many people. 5. My bicycle was stolen a few days ago. 6. Do you know that this book was translated into Russian only two days ago. 7. Our town is often visited by foreign guests.

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