12 предложений Ride во всех временах на английском со словами

12 предложений Ride во всех временах на британском со словами

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1. He usually rides in a car to work.
2. He rode in a car with his friends yesterday.
3. He will ride in his new car in a week.
4. Look! My brother is riding a horse now.
5. When he saw him he was riding a horse.
6. At this time tomorrow he will be riding a horse.
7. He has just ridden his bike.
8. He had already ridden his new bike before his friend came.
9. He will have already ridden a bike by 5 oclock tomorrow.
10. He has been riding in a tour bus for two hours already.
11. He said that he had been riding in a tour bus the whole day.
12. By this time tomorrow he will have been riding in a tour bus for half an hour already.

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