Переведите из прямой речи в косвенную: 1)" I want to know

Переведите из прямой речи в косвенную: 1)quot; I want to know how your cousin likes working at this hospitalquot;,said Vera to Helen. 2)He said:quot; I seledom went to see my friend in may as i was very busyquot;. 3)quot;Sit still and dont move your headquot;,said the doctor to me. 4)quot;Buy some bread on your way home,quot;said mother to her son.

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1 ответ

1. Vera told Helen that she wanted to know how her cousin liked working at that hospital.

2. He said that he seldom had gone to see his friend in May as he had been very busy.

3. The doctor told me to sit still and not to move my head.

4. Mother told her son to buy some bread on his way home.

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