Блок Г. Read the text below.At the premiere of 039;Rise of

Блок Г. Read the text below.

At the premiere of 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' a clutch of
impassioned animal activist gathered on Hollywood Boulevard. But they weren't
there to throw red paint on fur-coat-wearing celebrities. Instead, one
demonstrator dressed in a full-body monkey suit had arrived with a sign
complimenting the filmmakers: Thanks for not using real apes!

The creative team behind Apes used motion-capture technology to create
digitalized primates, spending tens of millions of dollars on technology that
records an actor's performance and later layers it with computer graphics to
create a final image in this case, one of a realistic-looking ape.

Yet Apes is more exception than the rule in fact, Hollywood has been
hot on live animals lately: The nonprofit American Humane Assn., which monitors
the treatment of animals in filmed entertainment, is keeping tabs on more than
2000 productions in 2011, 100 more than in 2010. Already, a number of high-profile
2011 films, including Water for Elephants, The Hangover Part II and
Zookeeper, have drawn the ire of activists who say the creatures featured in
them haven't been treated properly.

In some cases, its not so much the treatment of the animals on set that
has activists worried; it's the off-set training and living conditions that are
raising concerns. And there are questions about U.S. films мейд overseas, which
sometimes are not monitored as closely as productions filmed stateside.

Choose the correct answer.

1. According to the article, animal rights activists ________ the fact that
there were no real apes used in the new Rise of the Planet of the Apes movie.

a. are appalled by

b. are ambivalent to

c. like

2. What kind of 'apes' did the above-mentioned movie use?

a. real ones

b. computer-generated ones

c. cardboard cutouts

3. According to the article, Hollywood movies have been ________ .

a. shying away from using live animals lately

b. treating all live animals well in the past little while

c. using lots of live animals lately, and not always treating them properly

4. Why are animal rights activists worried about U.S. movies that are shot

a. Because the way the animals are treated overseas is sometimes not as
closely monitored as in the U.S.

b. Because they don't want foreign workers to be hired

c. Because they don't want foreign animals to be used in American movies

5. How much money did the makers of "The Rise of the Planet of the Apes"
spend on the motion-capture technology used in the movie?

a. Tens of thousands of dollars

b. over 10,000,000

c. about 2,000

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1 ответ
На премьере кинофильма " восстание планеты обезьян " сцепления
страстное животное активист собрал на голливудском бульваре. Но они не были
там кинуть красноватой краской на шубу носить знаменитости. Заместо этого, один
демонстратор - одетый в тело мортышки костюмчик - приехал с табличкой
комплименты режиссеров: спасибо, не используя реальные мортышки!
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