1. Напишите правильный вариант: Mr. Baker didn39;t (have / has /

1. Напишите верный вариант: Mr. Baker didn39;t (have / has / had) a car (a / the / -) year ago. Now he had a new car. It (look / looks) (nice / well). 2. (This/ These) exercise (wrote/was writing / was written) by Boris. Those (one / ones) (wrote/ were writing / were written) by Anton. 3. (My / Mine) dog is (old / older/ the oldest) (than / then / that) (their/theirs)/ 4. Can you (tell / say / speak)(us / our) why you look so (sad / sadly)? 5. Table football (plays / has played / is played) with two or four players. 6. The Smiths never go to the mountains, (do they / dont they)? 7. What (a / the / - ) terrible day! 8. What (a / the / - ) terrible days! 9. Elephants are (large / larger / the largest) animals (which / who) live in India and in Africa. 10. They (dont have / didnt have / wont have / mustnt) to clean the classroom yesterday.

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2 ответа

1. Mr. Baker didnt have a car a year ago. Now he has a new car. It looks nice .

2. This exercise was written by Boris. Those ones were written by Anton.

3. My dog is older than theirs.

4. Can you tell us why you look so sad?

5. Table football is played with two or four players.

6. The Smiths never go to the mountains, do they?

7. What a terrible day!

8. What terrible days!

9. Elephants are the largest animals who live in India and in Africa.

10. They didnt have to clean the classroom yesterday.

Mr. Baker didnt have a car a year ago. Now he had a new car.
It looks well(можно и nice, но превосходнее, окончательно, well) . 2. This exercise was written by Boris. Those ones were written by Anton. 3. My dog is older than theirs. 4. Can you tell us why you look so sad ? 5. Table football is played with two or four players. 6. The Smiths never go to the mountains, dont they? 7. What a terrible day! 8. What ( - ) terrible days! 9. Elephants are the largest animals which live in India and in Africa. 10. They didnt have to clean the classroom yesterday.
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