Задание 2: Раскрой скобки и напиши глаголы в Present Continuous.

Задание 2: Раскрой скобки и напиши глаголы в Present Continuous. 1) He his teeth at the moment. (brush) 2) We the vacation now. (plan) 3) He in the bed now. (sleep) 4) I can39;t talk now. I the dishes. (wash) 5) Our baby now. (cry) 6) He in the park now. (cycle) 7) They on the beach. (lie) 8) He chess. He plays chess with his friend every Friday evening. (play) 9) She at shcool. (study) 10) They now. (travel) Задание 3: Только одно из 2-ух предложений написано правильно. Избери верный перевод предложений. 1) Я не разумею тебя. A. I am not understanding you. B. I don39;t understand you. 2) Я ее прощаю. A. I am forgiving her. B. I forgive her. 3) Я слышу тебя, не кричи. А. I hear you, dont shout. В. I am hearing you, don39;t shout. 4) Мне нравится моя работа. А. I like my job. B. I am liking my job. 5) Я для тебя верую. А. I believe you. B. I am believing you. Задание 4: Read the text and answer the questions. 1)Kate and Jim live in a big city. 2)There are many schools, plants, factories in the city. 3)There are many cinemas, theatres, and different shops in it. 4)This city is very beautiful. 5) Their mother buys bread at the baker39;s shop. 6) She buys milk and butter at the dairy. 7) Kate buys sweets at the sweetshop. 8) Jim buys his toys at the toy shop. 9) They all like to go shopping. 10) On Sundays Kate and Jim usually go to the cinema. 11) It is Sunday. 12) Kate, Jim and their mother is in the cafe. 13) Kate is eating an ice-cream. 14) Jim is eating his cake. Questions: 1) Where do Kate and Jim live? 2) Are there many schools, plants, factories in their city? 3) Where does Kate buy her sweets? 4) Are Kate and Jim relatives? 5) В одном из предложений не верно употреблен вспомогательный глагол quot;to bequot;. Это предложение номер:

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
Задание 2
1)He brushing his teeth at the moment.
2)We planing the vacation now.
3)He sleeping in the bed now.
4)I cant talking now.I washing the dishes.
5)Our baby crying now.
6)He cycling in the park.
7)He lieing on the beach.
8)He chess.He playing chess with his friend every Friday evening.
9)She studying at school.
10)They traveling now.
Задание 3
1)B вариант
2)B вариант
3)A вариант
4)A вариант
5)A вариант
Задание 5
Это предложение номер 5
Kate and Jim live in a big city
Kate buys sweets in a sweet shop
, оставишь ответ?

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