Раскройте скобки в simple present,past,future Mr and Mrs Gray live in

Раскройте скобки в simple present,past,future Mr and Mrs Gray live in a big city,and they (1.have) a son. His name (2.be) Pete. Pete (3. not like) (4.wash). One day Mrs Gray said,quot;I39;d (5.like) (6.live) in the country with Pete next summer.quot; So they (7.find) a small house in the country and (8.take) Pete there for a vacation. When they (9.arrive) at the house,Mrs Gray said to Pete,quot;Wу (10.stay) here for two weeks.quot; The boy (11.run) into house and (12. fall) down on the floor.He (13.hurt) his leg but (14.run) further (15.look) in the rooms. When he (16.come) back he (17.throw) his ball up and (18.cry),quot;Mum! I (19.can,not) (20.see) a bath. Where (21.be) it?quot; quot;This (22.be) a very small house,quot; his mother answered. quot;There (23.be) no baths here.quot; Pete (24.get) really happy. quot;This (25.be) a very nice holiday indeed,Mum,quot; he said

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Mr and Mrs Gray live in a big city,and they 1.have a son. His name 2.is
Pete. Pete 3.doesnt like 4.to wash. One day Mrs Gray said,"Id 5.like 6.to live in the country with Pete next summer." So they 7.found a small house in the country and 8.took Pete there for a vacation. When they 9.arrived at the house,Mrs Gray said to Pete,"We 10.will stay here for two weeks." The boy 11.ran into house and 12. fell down on the floor.He 13.hurt his leg but 14.ran further 15.looking in the rooms. When he 16.came back he 17.threw his ball up and 18.cried,"Mum! I 19.cant 20.see a bath. Where 21.is it?" "This 22.is a very small house," his mother answered. "There 23.are no baths here." Pete 24.got really happy. "This 25.is a very nice holiday indeed,Mum," he said
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