10 Преобразуйте предложения; употребив the Past и the Future Perfect. 1.

10 Преобразуйте предложения; употребив the Past и the Future Perfect. 1. The students were taking their exams from 9 till 12 o39;clock. 2. He was haying a shower when the telephone rang. 3. The boys were playing football when it began to rain.

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  1. The students were taking their exams from 9 till 12 oclock. - The students had taken their exams by 12 oclock. - The students will have taken their exams by 12 oclock.
  2. He was having a shower when the telephone rang. - He had had a shower before the telephone rang. - He will have had a shower before the telephone rang.
  3. The boys were playing football when it began to rain. - The boys had played football before it began to rain. - The boys will have played football before it began to rain.
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