Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в Present Perfect: 1) Look! Somebody (broke)

Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в Present Perfect: 1) Look! Somebody (broke) the tree. 2)Mary (go) to Moscow, but she be bask next Monday at the latest. 3)He (play) a lot of football this yer. 4)How many cups of coffee you (drink) today? 5)they (make) up their mind?

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2 ответа
1) Look! Somebody has broken the tree. 2)Mary has gone to Moscow, but
she be bask next Monday at the latest. 3)He has played a lot of football this yer. 4)How many cups of coffee have you drunk today? 5)Have they мейд up their mind?
1)Look! Somebody has broken the tree.

2)Mary has gone to Moscow, but she be bask next Monday at the latest.

3)He has played a lot of football this year.

4)How many cups of coffee have you drunk today?

5)Have they made up their mind?
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