Complete the sentences with -a/an/or/some 1 Would you like ..........cup of

Complete the sentences with -a/an/or/some 1 Would you like ..........cup of tea?-Yes .please. 2 I think he has already got .......... information trom the Internet. 3 I ve found ........ money under the chair.Is it your money ? 4 Would you like ....... banana or .............apricot ? - No . thanks. 5 In the morning .mother leaves biscuits and...........milk forme on the kithen table. 6 I would like ........... glass on mineral water.please.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
1.a cup of tea information
Some money from the internet
4.a banana or an apricot
5.dime milk
6.a glass of mineral water
Вот и все задание)
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