Ответьте на вопросы : 1. America ... by Christopher Columbus a)

Ответьте на вопросы : 1. America ... by Christopher Columbus a) was discovered b) has discovered c)discovered d) is discovered 2. This letter... with the pencil a) writting b) is written c) written d) has written 3. Whon this novel ... by? a) writing b) was written c) written d) has written 4. The rooms ... and looked tidy. a) were cleaning b) cleaned c) were cleaned d) are cleaning

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2 ответа
1. America ... by Christopher Columbus a) was discovered b) has discovered c)discovered d) is discovered

Ответ: a

2. This letter... with the pencil a) writting b) is written c) written d) has written

Ответ: b

3. Who this novel ... by? a) writing b) was written c) written d) has written

Ответ: b

4. The rooms ... and looked tidy. a) were cleaning b) cleaned c) were cleaned d) are cleaning

Ответ: c
добросердечного медли суток,вижу нужна помощь)
1)America ... by Christopher Columbus
a-was discovered
2)2. This letter... with the pencil
b-is written
3)Whon this novel ... by?
b-was written
4)The rooms ... and looked tidy.
c-were cleaned
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