Нужно воткнуть пропущенные слова(Present simple/present continuous)1. School children usually ... wear

Необходимо вставить пропущенные слова(Present simple/present continuous)1. School children usually ... wear uniform in Russia.a. aren39;t b. doesn39;t c.don39;t2. ... you ...? May I switch the light off?a. Are ... sleep b. Are ... sleeping c. Is ... sleeping3. The New York subway usually ... every day.a. works b. work c. is working4. Sandra is vegetarian. She ... meat.a. eats b. doesn39;t eat c. is eating5. Tom and I want to go to Italy, so we ... Italian.a. are learning b. learn c. don39;t learn6. Every day he ... at 7 o39;clock.a. is getting b. get c. gets7. Turn on the light. It ... dark.a. is getting b. get c. gets8. What ... you ...? - A letter from my sister.a. do ... read b. are ... reading c. is ... read9. I ... this programme. a. aren39;t b. doesn39;t c. don39;t understand10. I always ... in the same hotel in New York.a. stay b. stays c. am staying11. ... you ... from Denmark?a. Are ... coming b. Do come c. Does ... come12. There ... some strange noises in the sitting - room.a. are b. is c. am13. Fred and I are good dancers but we ... to disco very often.a. aren39;t going b. don39;t go c. go14. ... it snow in winter in your country?a. Is b. Do c. Does15. Tony is upstairs in the bathroom. He ... his hair.a. Is washing b. washes c. wash16. Ann ... to talk to you now.a. is wanting b. wants c.want17. New York ... a very interesting modern art museum.a. is b. have c. has18. ... children ... lunch at school in your country?a. Do ... eat b. Does ... eat c. Is ... eat

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1. dont
2. Are you sleeping?
3. works
4. doesnt eat
5. are learning
6. gets
7. is getting
8. are ... reading
9. dont understand
10. stay
11. Do come
12. are
13. go
14. is
15. Is washing
16. is wanting
17. has
18. Do ... eat
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