Избрать правильное слово (раскрыть скобки) 1. He мейд a poor ___________________(to

Выбрать правильное слово (раскрыть скобки) 1. He made a poor ___________________(to decide/decision). 2. The committeemet _________________(to consider/consideration) issuesrelatingtoroadmaintenance. 3. After serious ____________________(to consider/consideration)a bill becomes a law. 4. The Queen has the power _________________(to dissolve/dissolution) the Parliament. 5. After _________________(dissolution/to dissolve) of the Parliament the election campaign starts. 6. The House of Lords can delay the _____________(toenact/enactment) of a bill. 7. MPs refused __________________(to enact/enactment) the bill. 8. A ____________________(president/presidential) system is a system of government where an __________________(toexecute/executive) branch is led by a person who serves as both head of state and head of government.

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2. Consideration;
3. Consideration;
4.To dessolve;
6. Enactment;
7. Enactment;
8. Presidential, executive.
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