Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящий вариант ответа : 1. Please, think over

Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящий вариант ответа : 1. Please, think over our new offer before a) answered, b) answering, c) being answered 2. We dont remember to the shareholders meeting. a) inviting, b) having invited, c) having been invited 3. All goods by our company are in great demand today. a) produced, b) having produced, c) producing 4. What do you think about the project now? a) discussing, b) being discussed, c) having discussed 5. English well, I often went on business to London. a) known, b) knowing, c) being known 6. You were heard to our manager. a) speaking, b) spoken, c) having spoken 7. All details , we signed the contract. a) discussing, b) discussed, c) having discussed Заполните пропуски подходящими предлогами: a) as, b) at, c) by, d) of, e) to 1. Business contributes the development many countries economies. 2. Our colleague works now a sales manager one private company.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
1)b answering
2)a inviting
3)a produced
4)b being discussed
5)b knowing
6)a speaking
7)b discussed
2е задание
1)b at, d of
2)a as, b at
, оставишь ответ?

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