Поставьте глаголы в Past Simple либо Past Perfect: He (to travel)

Поставьте глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect: He (to travel) to many countries and (to know) a lot of interesting facts about them. 7. Yesterday I (to find) the book I (to look for) so long. 8. When we (to enter) the house there (to be) nobody in, but we (to have) a feeling that somebody (to be) there because the windows (to be) open. 9. When he (to meet) the lady, he (to understand) that she (not to be) so young as he (to expect). 10. By the time Caesar (to approach) the shores of Britain, the season (to be) nearly over.

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6. He TRAVELED to many countries and HAD KNOWN a lot of interesting facts about them.
7. Yesterday I FOUND the book I HAD LOOKED so long.
8. When we ENTERED the house there HAD BEEN nobody in, but we HAD a feeling that somebody HAD BEEN there because the windows WERE open.
9. When he MET the lady, he HAD UNDERSTOOD that she WAS NOT so young as he EXPECTED.
10. By the time Caesar HAD APPROACHED the shores of Britain, the season WAS nearly over.
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