Сomplete the sentences with the correct form of the words in

Сomplete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 The two ............ stole the money and escaped. (theft) 2 There were three ........... on the plane. The passengers saw them. (hijscking) 3 Two .......... entered the bank and shouted 39;hands up!39;. (armed robbery) 4 The ........... went to prison for twenty years. (murder) 5 A group of ............... destroyed the school hall. (vandalism) 6 The police caught a ................ this morning. He entered NATO39;s computer system and tried to destroy it. (hacking)

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1 The two thieves stole the money and escaped.
(theft) 2 There were three hijackers on the plane. The passengers saw them. (hijscking) 3 Two armed robbers entered the bank and shouted hands up!. (armed robbery) 4 The murderer went to prison for twenty years. (murder) 5 A group of vandalists destroyed the school hall. (vandalism) 6 The police caught a hacker this morning. He entered NATOs computer system and tried to destroy it. (hacking)
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