1 Обведите правильный ответ 1)Two years ago he (is\was\were) the (good\better\best) pupil

1 Обведите правильный ответ 1)Two years ago he (is\was\were) the (good\better\best) pupil in the class. Twenty years ago it (is\was\were) the (beautiful\more beautiful\most beautiful). 2) She (lives\lived) in Vologda. Oleg (know\knows) her address. We can (send\sends) her a letter. 3)When my grandmother (was\were) a schoolgirl, she (lived\lives) in Moscow. 4) Next year I (play\will play) hockey. It is the (interesting\more interesting\the most interesting) game for me. 2 Раскрой скобки, употребив глагол в Past Simple. The Red Cow (1) _____ (live) in the field of beautiful flowers. In the morning she (2) _____ (give) lessons to her daughter. In the afternoon they (3) _____ (eat) sweet green grass. In the evening the Red Cow (4) _____ (think) about her happy life. One night the Red Cow (5) _____ (get) up suddenly and (6) _____ (begin) to dance. There (7) _____ (be) no music but she (8) _____ (dance). Then she (9) _____ (want) to stop but she could not. 3.Составь предложения из слов. 1.is , an armchair, there, in your kitchen? _________________________________ 2 did, clean, your room, you, yesterday? _________________________________ 3.it , in winter, is, very cold. _________________________________ 4.a lot of sweets, there, in the box, were. _________________________________ 5.my mother, next summer, will take me, to the Black Sea. _______________________________________________ 4.Выбери нужное слово 1 My brother …………. his homework in the evening. a) makes b) has c) does 2 After dinner Jane ……….. the washing up. a) watch b) cleans c) does 3 Do they ………..their beds in the morning? a) make b) clean c) wash 4 We like to ……… the stars in the evening a) lay b) watch c) clean 5 The girls usually ……..lunch at 2 pm. a) makes b) watch c) have5.Соедини 1 и 2 форму глаголов Find take come draw eat have lay feed say make drink think buy go Fed came found ate had took thought said drew drank bought went laid made 6 Раскрой скобки, поставь прилагательное в правильную форму. 1 The black trousers are (big) than the jeans. _______________________________________________________________________________ ____ 2 This raincoat is (small) than the red coat. _______________________________________________________________________________ ____ 3 Bill’s suit is the (good). _______________________________________________________________________________ ____ 4 I think that dog is a (clever) animal. _______________________________________________________________________________ ____ 5 The red scarf is (long) than the white scarf. _______________________________________________________________________________ ____ 6 This blouse is the (bad). _______________________________________________________________________________ _______ 7 Перевести на английский язык. Чашка кофе_____________________________________________________________________ Коробка конфет_________________________________________________________________ Стакан сока____________________________________________________________________ Бутылка воды__________________________________________________________________ Кусочек торта__________________________________________________________________ Самое красивое платье____________________________________________________________ Самый длинный хвост(tail) _______________________________________________________ Самые грязные ботинки____________________________________________________________ В левом углу ______________________________________________________________________ В середине комнаты_____________________________________________________________________ На столе________________________________________________________________________________ Между кроватями_______________________________________________________________________ Холодная зима________________________________________________________________________ Дождливая осень_____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________8 . Преобразовать во множественное число 1.This man is an engineer. _____________________________________________________ 2 That woman is my sister. ____________________________________________________ 3 This child is my son.________________________________________________________ 4 That goose is big._________________________________________________________- 5 This mouse is white.________________________________________________________ 6 She is a pupil._________________________________________________________________ 7 This boy has a dog___________________________________________________________ 8 There is a table in the room._____________________________________________________ 9 There is a flower in the vase.__________________________________________________ 10 That book is interesting._______________________________________________________ 11 I have got a pen.____________________________________________________________ 9 Прочитай предложения. Вставь is или are. 1 There _____a big grey carpet on my floor. 2 There _____three windows in our living room. 3 There _____a lot of books on the shelf. 4 There _____a nice armchair in Jane’s house. 5 There _____no chairs in my bedroom. 10 Выбери нужное слово и заполни пропуски. 1.I always ______ my homework in the evening. a)have b)do c)make 2.Mag ______ the flowers every morning. a)washes b)waters c)cleans 3.When do you usually ______ lunch? a)go b)have c)do 4.______ you do your homework two days ago? a)Do b)Will c)Did 5.His sister ______ puzzles yesterday. a) didn’t play b) doesn’t play c) won’t play

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