My favorite sport помогите пожалуйста написать эссе
My favorite спорт помогите пожалуйста написать эссе
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Мария Нужденкова
All people all over the world like спорт
Nowadays it is very popular to keep a healthy life style.I think that is a quite good tendency.I like спорт.It plays an important role in my life,due to the спорт I cloud treat the lateral curvature.Though I am a dancer,my favourite kind of спорт is skiing.I like all types of skiing and always watch ski though I am not very good at skiing
Most of all a like ski jumping,biathlon and downhill.Ski jumping is a type of skiing when a sportsman jumps from a special jumping ramp.There is the particular sequence of the jump performance.The first stage is in run,then a sportsman jumps,then he or she files and the final stage is landing
I really Admire these sportsmen they are so brave
Nowadays it is very popular to keep a healthy life style.I think that is a quite good tendency.I like спорт.It plays an important role in my life,due to the спорт I cloud treat the lateral curvature.Though I am a dancer,my favourite kind of спорт is skiing.I like all types of skiing and always watch ski though I am not very good at skiing
Most of all a like ski jumping,biathlon and downhill.Ski jumping is a type of skiing when a sportsman jumps from a special jumping ramp.There is the particular sequence of the jump performance.The first stage is in run,then a sportsman jumps,then he or she files and the final stage is landing
I really Admire these sportsmen they are so brave
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