написать расказ о панде немение 6 предложений обрисовать пандуна британском плиззз
Написать расказ о панде немение 6 предложений описать панду
на британском плиззз
1 ответ
Ева Ластовка
The Panda or The Giant Panda is a bear. This unusual, unique and beautiful animal lives in Asian countries and especially in China. 99% of its ration consists of bamboo. In the wild the animal lives around 20 years, but the life span under lock and key is much shorter. These bears seem to be very lazy and they really are, because they spend approximately 55% of its life finding, getting, preparing and eating bamboo.
The animal habits in forests and eats not only bamboo, but also grasses, bulbs, some insects and fruits. Cubs are born with their eyes closed like kittens and hairless like rats. Pandas are very careful and attentive to their cubs - mother usually cradling its baby in one paw and holding it close to the chest. It looks very lovely and sweet. Traditionally the panda is supposed to be a peaceful, kind and not aggressive animal, but it also can bleat, roar, growl, and honk in case of emergency when it is scared or angry.
The animal habits in forests and eats not only bamboo, but also grasses, bulbs, some insects and fruits. Cubs are born with their eyes closed like kittens and hairless like rats. Pandas are very careful and attentive to their cubs - mother usually cradling its baby in one paw and holding it close to the chest. It looks very lovely and sweet. Traditionally the panda is supposed to be a peaceful, kind and not aggressive animal, but it also can bleat, roar, growl, and honk in case of emergency when it is scared or angry.
Валерий Сулимкович
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