Необходимо вставить слова в диалог: I have to say...; What do

Нужно вставить слова в диалог: I have to say...; What do you mean?; ...loads of...; ...got nothing to do with...; I'm just saying that...

Andrei: That's a nice shirt, Marry.
Mary: Thanks. I bought it at that shop in King Street-the new one. They've got nice things. Check it out. You need some new clothes.
Andrei: ................? My clothes are fine. I've got ................... nice shirts, shoes and things.
Mary: I know. Calm down! ....................... it's nice to have new clothes, that's all.
Andrei: I'm surprised, Mary-really surprised. I though you were my friend. Now you're telling me I don't know anything about fashion. .................... , it hurts!
Mary: Oh, Andrei. It's ........................ fashion. I just wanted to ... oh, forget it! I'm glad you like my shirt. Now I'm off. Bye!
Andrei: Mary-don't be angry! Come back! Mary!

Задать свой вопрос
2 ответа
1) What do you mean?
2) loads of
3) I'm just saying that
4) I have to say
5) got nothing to do with
1-I have to say...;
2- What do you mean?;
3- ...loads of...;
4-...got nothing to do with...;
5- I'm just saying that...

, оставишь ответ?

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