Флора и фауна рф 6-7 предложений по английски

Флора и фауна рф 6-7 предложений по английски

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Russia's flora is beautifully varied. The vascular plants of Russia number approximately 11 400 species мейд up of 1 488 genera and 197 families. Endemic plant species make up about 20% of these numbers. The flora of Russia also features 3 classes of mosses. 3 000 species of lichen are found in the country.
Russia's flora biodiversity has also resulted in diversity as regards its fauna. Unfortunately invertebrates, such as insects, have not been well documented in Russia, thus the inventory of fauna is incomplete. Vertebrates, however, have received greater attention and over 1 300 species have been documented. Mammals number about 276 species with 22 endemic to Russia. Birds have been counted at 732 species with only 1 endemic. 75 reptile species are documented as well as 27 amphibian species. Fish have been counted at 400 species. The highest levels or mammal diversity are found in southern Siberia, southern Far East and Northern Caucasus.
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