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1. In England, there used to be some felonies and misdemeanours which (to punish) really strictly.
2. The capital punishment (to abolish) in Britain after World War II.
3. The Common Court of Appeal (to establish) after the Napoleonic Wars.
4. In the House of Lords the business (to conduct) by 80 or 100 of the hereditary peers, though there are 850 of them.
5. The members of the House of Commons (to summon) by the Sovereign, but (to elect) by a universal suffrage.
6. The bill (to reject) by Parliament last year.
7. The group of close advisers to the Sovereign (to call) the Privy Council.
8. A person who is serving on a jury (to know) as a juror.
9. This case (to hear) by the UK Supreme Court on the 8 th of March 2012, together with another case from Scotland.

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1. In England, there used to be some felonies and misdemeanours 
which were punished really strictly.
2. The capital punishment was abolished in Britain after World War II.
3. The Common Court of Appeal was established after the Napoleonic 
4. In the House of Lords the business was conducted by 80 or 100 
of the hereditary peers, though there are 850 of them.
5. The members of the House of Commons were summoned by 
the Sovereign, but were elected by a universal suffrage.
6. The bill was rejected by Parliament last year.
7. The group of close advisers to the Sovereign was called the Privy 
8. A person who is serving on a jury is known as a juror.
9. This case was heard by the UK Supreme Court on the th of 
March 2012, together with another case from Scotland.
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