Необходимо отыскать в текстах стилистические необыкновенности, если они имеются. Как-нибудь выделите

Нужно отыскать в текстах стилистические необыкновенности, если они имеются. Как-нибудь выделите их, очень безотлагательно необходимо! Не жалею баллы! Буду очень признателен!

ТЕКСТЫ со последующей стилистическими необыкновенностями (в великом количестве !!!)
1. лексических повторы
2. параллельные конструкции
3. сопоставления
4. перечисление
5. нестандарного начала предложения - and and and для усиления смысла происходящего
6. положительные либо нехорошие слова , КАКИЕ больше? Выделите те прилагательные, которых больше.


I didnt fully understand how impactful that was.

It is something that Putin has used inside Russia, outside Russia to great effect.

Im hopeful that the Congress will pull together and realize that because of the success the Kremlin feels its had theyre not going to go away. So whatever party you are, whatever business you run, whatever concerns you have, if we dont take action together to hold whoever was involved accountable, they will be back time and time again.

I dont take any pleasure in seeing the kind of chaotic functioning

Heres what I dont understand I dont understand the commitment to hurt so many people that this administration, this White House, seems to be pursuing.

The targeting of women which is whats going on is absolutely beyond any political agenda.

They had not a clue what that meant. I dont know if any of them had ever even read the bill.

The things that come out of some of these mens mouths like, Why do we have to cover maternity care? Well I dont know, maybe you were dropped by immaculate conception?

really sent a chilling effect across the world to not just Muslims, but to all kinds of people who said, Wait a second, dont you still have Lady Liberty in the New York Harbor?

I dont think that will include ever running for office again.

I think I have a lot to do.

Well, what happened? Oh my gosh, by the time they finished with me, I was Typhoid Mary.

It was a job that I was asked to do by a man.

As a person, Im O.K. As an American, Im very worried.

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1 ответ
Лексические повторы:
Here's what I don't UNDERSTAND , I don't UNDERSTAND commitment to hurt . . .

So WHATEVER party you are, WHATEVER business you run, WHATEVER concerns you have, if we don't take action together to hold whoever was involved accountable, they will back TIME AND TIME again.
AS a person I AM O.K., AS American I Am very worried.
Нехорошие слова:
I didn't fully understand how impactful that was.
I don't think that will include ever running for office again.
. . . if we don't take any action together to hold whoever was involved accountable, they will back time and time again.
They HAD NOT a clue what they ment.
I DON'T KNOW if any of them had ever even read the bill.
Well DON'T KNOW ,may be you were dropped by immaculate conception?

риторические вопросы:
Well, what happened?
Wait a second, don't you still have Lady Liberty in the New York Harbor?
Why do we have to cover maternity care?

Неординарные предложения:
So whatever party you are, whatever business you run, whatever concerns you have , if we don't take any action together to hold whoever was involved accountable, they will back time and time again.

эмоциональныеп предложения:
Well, what happened? Oh,my gosh, by the time they finished with me I was Typhoid Mary.

метафоры и сопоставления:
the Kremlin, the White House, Lady Liberty, Typhoid Mary.

It is something that Putin has used inside Russia . . .
очень много употребляется местоимение I-я. (I was, I think, I didn't understand, I don't know, I don't take any pleasure and so on).

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