Помогите пожалуйста с этим заданиемЭто все на прошедшее времяAnswer the questions

Помогите пожалуйста с этим заданием
Это все на прошедшее время
Answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. To which town/ city would you go if you did not need a visa? 2. Who would you ask to dance if you had the choice? 3. Could you come to the Institute on Sunday if the teacher asked you? 4. How would you feel if you won a thousand dollars? 5. Could you wake up at 5 am if none called you?

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
1) I would go to Barcelona, if I did not need a visa.
2) I would ask my classmate to dance if I had the choice.
3) I could come to the Institute on Sunday if the teacher asked me.
4) I would feel excited if I won a thousand dollars.
5) I couldn't wake up at 5 am if none called me.
, оставишь ответ?

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