Переведите текст с русс. На англОдин денек не предсказывало неудачи. Как

Переведите текст с русс. На англ
Один денек не предвещало неудачи. Как вдруг,мы услышали,как в коридоре все засуетились и бегали туда сюда с испуганными личиками. Мы с тетей не разумели,что происходит. Когда мы узнали ответ на вопрос, нас бросило в дрожь. Оказывается, на 5-ом этаже сгорела квартира. И теперь огнь добирается до крыши. Все выбежали и тётя отобрала документы и средства. 1-ые две пожарные машины были с малым количеством воды и пришлось ожидать третью. Два дня нам нужно было где то находиться,мы были на даче у тети. Я поведала не совершенно развеселую историю,но со счастливым концом.

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2 ответа
One day, no signs of trouble. Suddenly,we heard in the hallway all flustered and ran back and forth with frightened faces. My aunt and I didn't know what was going on. When we found out the answer to the question, we threw in a shiver. It appears, on the fifth floor of a burned apartment. And now the fire gets to the roof. All ran out and my aunt took the documents and money. The first two fire engines were with a small amount of water and had to wait for the third. Two days we had somewhere to be,we were at the cottage with my aunt. I told not quite a funny story,but with a happy ending
One day did not bode ill. Suddenly, we heard, as in the corridor, everyone started to fuss and fled there with frightened faces. My aunt and I did not understand what was happening. When we found out the answer to the question, we were shivered. It turns out that the apartment burnt down on the fifth floor. And now the fire is getting to the roof. All ran out and the aunt took the documents and money. The first two fire trucks were with a small amount of water and had to wait for a third. For two days we needed to be somewhere, we were at the cottage with my aunt. I did not tell a very funny story, but with a happy ending.

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