Помогите плиз рассказ ( проект) минимум 12 строчек по английски на

Помогите плиз рассказ ( проект) минимум 12 строчек по английски на тему моё любимое животное- панда?

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Василий Кириндас
3 класс
Zhenja Knjatkova
С переводом
1 ответ
I love pandas, because these animals are not so common in nature today, they are smart, a bit ridiculous and clumsy, but I just adore them.I saw them in zoos, on posters and pictures, read a lot about them and watched movies.pandas have black and white color, great weight, they feed on bamboo leaves, but can only gain weight on one of these leaves.these beautiful amazing animals live in Asia, before they were exterminated because of their fangs and skin, but now in the countries of Asia a ban on their fishing is introduced and even many entrepreneurs working with animals are prohibited from planting them in nature.Now panda is the treasure of Asia. They breed only in zoos with special conditions and nutrition, the so-called "golden valery."I was very interested in all this and I fell in love with these lovely animals and will never stop loving them!
А можно по кароче?И ещё иные слова, потому что я 3 класс?
да. на данный момент.
И можно ещё с переводом?
Игорян Краснобрыж
I love animals. My favorite animal is a Panda. She is very beautiful. I'd like to see her someday. Since childhood, I love animals, including Panda!
Serezha Vorhlik
Я люблю животных. Мое любимое животное - Панда. Она очень красивая. Я бы желала когда-нибудь поглядеть на нее. С юношества я люблю животных, в том числе и панду!
Ира Юрманова
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