Нужна помощь с Английским!1. Choose the correct word from a, b

Нужна помощь с Английским!
1. Choose the correct word from a, b or c (20 баллов)
1 When I _______ the application form, I saw my previous employer.
a. Filled in b. was filling in c. have filled in
2 In 2015 I ______ an American company.
a. worked for b. has worked for c. was working in
3 Charles _______ for a job for 6 months.
a. has been looking b. has looked c. is looking
4 He ______ leave his firm because it became bankrupt.
a. must b. could c. had to
5 If he _____ the elections, hell become a president.
a. wins b. will win c. win
6 If my visa ran out, I ______ it
a. renew b. will renew c. would renew
7 London is _______ than Paris.
a. the most expensive b. more expensive c. most expensive
8 Oxford is one of ______ universities in Europe.
a. the oldest b. older c. old
9 Madrid is ______ than Rom.
a. expensive b. more expensive c. most expensive
10 Cafes in London are ______ than cafes in Paris.
a. worst b. bad c. worse

2. Put down the missing words (20 баллов)
1 The election ________ place next week.
2 The _______ is not the ruler in the UK.
3 Write your first name here and your _____ underneath.
4 Will you need to _______ a visa if you go to the United States?
5 Every four/six years people _______ a new president.
6 The government have policies to ________the country.
7 I was surprised that nobody _______ my passport when we arrived in Germany.
8 When you applied for the ______ , you told us you had 5 years experience.
9 The major task of the _______ is to find a suitable candidate for the vacant position.
10 The ______ of application normally contains two parts.

3. Answer the questions. (10 баллов)
1. What do you like best about living in your country?
2. What would you miss if you lived abroad?
3. Do you know any foreigners living in your country?
4. What do they like about it? What do they find different?
5. What social problems are there in your country?

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
Задание 1
1) b   2) a  3) a  4) с  5) a  6) с  7) b  8) a  9) b  10

Задание 2
1 will take place.
4 get

Задание 3
1. There are a lot of good things in my country. But best of all I like Russian  customs and traditions
2. If I lived abroad I would miss Russian nature and Russian cuisine 3. A famous French actor Gerard Depardieu and American boxer Roy Jones live here 4. They say that they like Russian soul but dont undesrtand it
5.There are a lot of people who live below the poverty line. Besides, housing and municipal services work very bad

1.What do you like best about living in your country? Что для тебя больше всего нравится в твоей стране?

1.There are a lot of good things in my country. But best of all I like Russian  customs and traditions В моей стране много превосходного. Но больше всего мне нравятся российские обычаи и  традиции


2.What would you miss if you lived abroad? по чему ты скучал бы, если бы жил заграницей?

2.If I lived abroad I would miss Russian nature and Russian cuisine если бы я жил за границей, я бы тосковал по русской природе и русской кухне

3. Do you know any foreigners living in your country?  - Ты знаешь каких-гибудь иностранцев, живущих в твоей стране?

3. A famous French actor Gerard Depardieu and American boxer Roy Jones live here знаменитый французский актре Жерар Депардье и южноамериканский боксер Рой Джонс живут в Рф

4. What do they like about it? What do they find different? Что им нравится  тут? Что они считают отличающимся?

4.They say that they like Russian soul but sometimes they dont understand it Они говорят, что им нравится российская душа, но время от времени  они не разумеют ее

5. What social problems are there in your country? какие социальные задачи есть в твоей стране?

5. There are a lot of people who live below the poverty line. Besides, housing and municipal services work very bad Многие люди живут за чертой бедности, а кроме того, коммунальные службы работают очень плохо

ну хорошо чо там с 3им заданием?
Миша Журавченков
На данный момент отправлю
Юрий Жовняк
Жека Делиициев
Ты где то учишься?
Серж Плотнцкий
Выслала для тебя перевод
Вадик Узов
ок я лицезрел
Юрка Щербицкий
Ну давай, фортуны тебе)
Ты с какого города?
Анатолий Грабчинский
Закрытая информация)
Егор Панчен
ну ты учишься где то?
, оставишь ответ?

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