Предложения 7-13Переделать в Passive Voice

Предложения 7-13

Переделать в Passive Voice

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1 ответ
1) The police were sent for
2) This book is spoken much about
3) He is often laughted at
4) Our conversation was lisnened to very attentively
5) I think we will be waiting by them only in a week
6) His late arrival was taken notice of by nobody
7) All the advertisements were looked through very attentively
8) He was a brilliant speaker and whenever he spoke he was listened to with a great attention
9) He will be looked after in a hospital much better
10) Her new dress was looked at with interest
11) They were sent for a taxi
12) The successful performance of the young actress will be talked much about
13) He is always мейд fun of
14) The gross mistakes in the translation were pointed out
15) Very interesting plans were referred to
16) Monday was agreed upon as the most suitable day
17) Unfortunately this question wasn't touched upon
18) His promotion was spoken about

Анжелика Бутхудзе
Здравствуй, а можешь еще сделать схожее?
Leha Abdulganeev
ну давай)
Вася Карповец
На страничке естт
, оставишь ответ?

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