Задание 10. Модальные глаголы с простым инфинитивом (Can/could/may/might/must/should/have

Задание 10. Модальные глаголы с обычным инфинитивом (Can/could/may/might/must/should/have to/be to/need to/be able to)
а) вставьте в пропуски подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол:
1. Look at those clouds in the sky! It rain.
2. She read when she was five.
3. Students always be in time for classes.
4. Home plants be watered regularly.
5. The people of the Earth be more careful with nature.
6. We write a grammar test on Friday.
7. I wont to come, Im afraid. Too much work to do for tonight.
8. Mom! Why no? Yesterday you said I go, and today you say I not!
9. This car not be fixed. We will buy a new one.
10. Hurry up! Its already 7 oclock. Dad be already at home. He always comes at half past six.

б) переведите на британский язык:
1. Он, обязано быть, занят.
2. В четыре часа мне придется уйти.
3. Можете идти.
4. Сосед моего друга не умеет плавать.
5. Для вас следует идти по левой стороне шоссе.
6. Вы обязаны оберегать клиентскую базу вашей компании. 7. Я не смогу для вас посодействовать.
8. Вероятно, я вернусь поздно.
9. Я обязан повстречаться с делегатами конференции 22 января в 9 утра.
10. Я ничего не мог сделать для нее.

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1 ответ
1. Look at those clouds in the sky! It may rain.
2. She could read when she was five.
3. Students must always be in time for classes.
4. Home plants must be watered regularly.
5. The people of the Earthshould be more careful with nature.
6. We may write a grammar test on Friday.
7. I wont be able to come, Im afraid. Too much work to do for tonight.
8. Mom! Why no? Yesterday you said I could go, and today you say I can not!
9. This car can not be fixed. We will have to buy a new one.
10. Hurry up! Its already 7 oclock. Dad must be already at home.
1. He must be busy.
2. At four o'clock I'll have to leave.
3. You may go.
4. My friend's neighbour can not swim.
5. You should walk on the left side of the highway.
6. You must protect the client base of your company.
7. I won't be able to help you.
8. I may be back late.
9. I am to meet the delegates of the conference on January 22 at 9 am.
10. I could not do anything for her.

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