Какое место ты бы посетил в Лондоне? Пожалуйста напишите о

Какое место ты бы посетил в Лондоне? Пожалуйста напишите о биг-бен и что-то свое прошу! 5-6 предложений Британский язык Заблаговременно спасибо!

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Kabeleva Alina
ОЧЕНЬ полагаюсь что кто-то ответит)
Александра Грисевич
In fact, this tower is called Saint Stephens Tower, but people, even those who live in the UK, are used to calling it "Big Ben." Actually, Big Ben is the huge bell inside the building. Its weight is about thirteen tons and it rings every hour daily: once at one o'clock, twice at two o'clock and so on. However, people who live near the tower can hear at New Years Night how the bell strikes thirteen. Its considered to be the biggest bell ever мейд in the country.
1 ответ
The world-known clock. Everyday about 500 tourists come to London to see the Big Ben. Built in 1858, it was named after an architect whose name was Ben (Benjamin). The interesting fact is that you are not allowed to get inside the Big Ben if you arent an Englishman. No tourists allowed

Danka Kurav
London is famous for its parks. Combined, all these parks cover more land than the Principality of Monaco. The most well-known is the Hyde Park. It is a traditional place of festivals and celebrations.
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