Перевести в Present Tenses1.Детям обычно не разрешают играть со спичками2. Стиральную

Перевести в Present Tenses
1.Детям обычно не разрешают играть со спичками
2. Стиральную машину сейчас чинят
3. Футболом увлекается большинство мужчин
4. На британском языке разговаривают во всем мире
5. Интересная тема дискуссируется нашими студентами
6. Комнату в истинный момент убирают
7. Эти машины создают в стране восходящего солнца
8. Лекция проходит в главном холле в истинный момент
9. Новенькая больница выстроено в нашем городке
10. Великая часть земной поверхности покрыта водой
Перевести в Past Tenses
11. Москва была основана Юрием Долгоруким в 1147 году
12. Новинки были объявлены по всем каналам
13. О новеньком кинофильме очень много разговаривали на прошлой неделе
14. За доктором послали 20 минут назад
15. Письмо выслали неделю назад
16. Я был очень удивлён новинкам
17. Я был приглашен на вечеринку вчера
18. Этот крем разрабатывался в научной лаборатории
19. Мою машину сервис в сервисном центре с 7 до 9 вечера
20. Юного музыканта увидели задолго до того как он поступил в консерваторию

Задать свой вопрос
2 ответа
1. Children aren't usually allowed to play with matches
2 The washing machine is being repaired now
3 The majority of men are interested in football.
4 English is spoken all over the world
5 An interesting topic is being discussed by our students
6 The room is being cleaned at present
7 These machines are manufactured in Japan
8 The lecture is being delivered (=read) in the main hall at the moment
9  A new hospital has been built in our city
10 The greater part the earth's surface is covered by water

11 Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in 1147
12 The news was announced on all channels
13 The new film was much spoken about last week
14 The doctor was sent for twenty minutes ago
15 The letter was sent a week ago
16 I was very surprised by the news
17 I was invited to the party last night
18 This cream was developed in the research laboratory
19 My car was being maintained in the service center from 7 to 9 pm
20 The young musician had been noticed long before he entered the Conservatory.
Betam usually not allowed to play with matches
2. Washing machine repair now 
3. Football enjoys most men 
4. English is spoken all over the world 
5. Interesting topic discussed by our students 
6. The room is currently clean 
7. These machines are manufactured in Japan 
8. The lecture takes place in the main hall at the moment 
9. A new hospital was built in our city 
10. Most of the earth's surface is covered by water 
Translate in Past tenses at
11. Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in 1147 
12. The news was announced on all channels 
13. About the new movie talked a lot last week
14. For the doctor sent twenty minutes ago 
15. The letter was sent a week ago 
16. I was very surprised by the news 
17. I was invited to a party yesterday 
18. This cream was developed in scientific laboratories 
19. My car service at the service center from 7 to 9 p.m. 
20. The young musician had noticed long before he entered the Conservatory
, оставишь ответ?

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