Помогите, пожалуйста, с переводом!Даю все баллы, что есть. Заблаговременно спасибо :3Thus,

Помогите, пожалуйста, с переводом!
Даю все баллы, что есть. Заранее спасибо :3

Thus, when Archbishop Nifont refused for political considerations to marry Prince Svyatoslav to a Novgorod girl, the chronicle records that the prince "bade his own priests marry him in St Nicholas. In spite of this, the church's architecture does not contain any features found in later private royal churches. In architecture and decoration it belongs to the type of large 12th-century town cathedral, which suggests that the prince was deliberately trying to erect a church that would rival the Cathedral of St Sophia.
The royal Yuriev monastery was founded at the beginning of the 12th century facing the Gorodishche on the opposite bank of the River Volkhov. Its foundation and subsequent history are closely connected with the new role which the Gorodishche began to play in the early 12th century when it became an important centre in the political life of Novgorod, as well as the new residence of the princes.
In 1119 Prince Vsevolod built the Cathedral of St George in the Yuriev monastery, which in size and beauty ranks second only to the Cathedral of St Sophia in Novgorodian architecture. The prince wanted to erect a building which would at least rival the Cathedral of St Sophia, if not eclipse it. A later Novgorodian chronicle contains the name of the cathedral's architect -a Russian builder called Master Pyotr. Like the
Cathedral of St Nicholas in Yaroslav's Court, it is a large, imposing edifice. A high, rectangular tower containing a staircase leading to the choir gallery was added to the northwest corner of the west wall. The cathedral shows a remarkable laconism of form.
severity of proportion and clarity of structural conception which give the exterior a monolithic unity.
After the erection of St George there was a marked decline in royal building in Novgorod. The extremely tense political situation of the next few decades saw the building of the last two churches which the princes of Novgorod were to erect in the town itself. These are the Church of St John in Opoki (1127) and the Church of the Assumption in the Market Place (1135). They were both founded by Prince Vsevolod shortly before he was expelled from Novgorod. Both buildings have suffered from numerous alterations carried out at different periods.
Basically they are a simplified version of the Cathedral of St Nicholas in Yaroslav's Court. Neither have towers, however, and from now on we find that entrance to the choir gallery is by a narrow staircase in the west wall.
After 1135 the princes did not erect any more buildings in the town itself. They did not even play any part in the frequent rebuilding of the walls and towers of the citadel from the 12th to the 14th century. The chronicle mentions only three buildings put up by the princes after 1135, but these were all in or near the Gorodishche. In 1165 Prince Svyatoslav built the Church of St Nicholas which was replaced in 1191 by a new one of the same name. It is most significant that both churches were мейд of wood. From the beginning of the 12th century the princes felt extremely insecure in Novgorod. They frequently fled from the town or were driven out of it by the veche, and consequently did not feel inclined to go in for large-scale building which demanded a great deal of time and money.
The last building erected by the Novgorod princes can only be understood in the light of this new political situation. It is the Church of Our Saviour built by Prince Yaroslav in 1198 at Ncrcditsa in a royal monastery near the princes' new residence at the Gorodishche. Yaroslav was obviously not attempting to build anything even mildly reminiscent of the

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Таким образом, когда архиепископ Нифонт отказался по политическим сужденьям, чтоб выйти замуж за князя Святослава в Новгороде женщина, летописных источников, что князь "отдал приказ своим собственные священники женить его на Святого Николая. Невзирая на это, архитектура церкви не содержит каких-или необыкновенностей в последующем собственной королевской церкви. В архитектуре и отделке она принадлежит к типу великих 12-го века городской собор, который говорит о том, что принц умышленно пробовал воздвигнуть церковь, которая стала бы соперником Собор Святой Софии.
Королевский Юрьев монастырь был основан в начале 12-го века сталкивается Городище на противоположном берегу реки Волхов. Основания и последующая история узко связана с той новой ролью, которую в Городище начал играть в начале 12 века, когда он стал главным центром политической жизни Новгорода, а также новенькая резиденция князей.
Князь Всеволод в 1119 построен Собор Святого Георгия в Юрьевском монастыре, который по размерам и занимает красота уступает только храму Святой Софии в Новгородского зодчества. Князь желал выстроить здание, которое бы, по крайней мере, соперничать с храма Святой Софии, если не превзойти его. Более поздняя Новгородская летопись содержит имя конструктора-собор русского строителя называемый Мастер Петр. Как
Собор Святого Николая на Ярославовом дворище, это большое, величественное здание. Высочайший, прямоугольной башней, содержащий лестницу, ведущую в хорами...
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