Помогите, пожалуйста! Воткните слова на месте пропуска.Are today039;s teenagers really lazy,

Помогите, пожалуйста! Воткните слова на месте пропуска.

Are today's teenagers really lazy, rude and unhelpful?
B3. We talked to forty teenagers and ______________ THEY
parents. We wanted to find out if they got on well.
Most of the teenagers
B4. said that they _________ rebels. For example NOT BE
Gemma, aged
B5. 14, said that she ________ often with her parents. NOT ARGUE
She said
B6. her mother was her ___________ friend. Several CLOSE
teenagers said they weren't happy at home,
but they also said
B7. their __________ were important to them. FAMILY
B8. Donna, aged 15, said that she ___________ CANNOT
talk to her parents about problems because they
didn't understand her. But she said it didn't worry her
because she didn't spend
B9. ____________ time at home. MANY

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B3 their
B4 weren't
B5 didn't argue
B6 closest
B7 families
B8 couldn't
B9 much
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