Безотлагательно треба в непряму мову 4,5 далоги

Безотлагательно треба в непряму мову 4,5 далоги

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I asked him how his brother was doing in music.
He thanked and added that he was making a progress.
I wondered if he was very fond of music.
He agreed and added he had been fond of playing the piano ever since he had started when he had been only five.He continued that they had never had to make him practise and mother never missed a chance to take him to a good concert.

I wanted to know if that seat was vacant.
He answered he was afraid it was taken.
I apologized and added that I had thought I had been lucky.
He said that he didn't think there was a single seat vacant that day.
I agreed and added that the house was packed though the play had had quite a long run.
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