Растолкуйте разницу значений слов на британском языкеa) victim - sacrifice b)

Растолкуйте разницу значений слов на английском языке
a) victim - sacrifice
b) discord - accord
c) affect - effect
d) affectation - affection
Желанно так же досконально, как на фото

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Using the word victim or victims in relation to chronic illness or disability is often considered demeaning and disempowering. Alternative phrases such as who experiences, who has been diagnosed with, or simply with and then the name of the disability or illness, can be used instead.

Sacrifice - 1) a surrender of something of value as a means of gaining something more desirable or of preventing some evil

2) a ritual killing of a person or animal with the intention of propitiating or pleasing a deity

Гимильярова Виктория
Discord - 1) lack of agreement of harmony; strife2) harsh confused mingling of sounds3) a combination of musical notes containing one or more dissonant intervals (syn. dissonance)
1) agreement; conformity; accordance (esp in the phrase in accord with)2) consent or concurrence of opinion3)4) pleasing relationship between sounds, colours, etc.; harmony5) a settlement of differences, as between nations; compromise
Дима Штомполь
Верхнее относится к accord
Слава Ельфимов
Affect - 1) to act upon or influence, esp in an adverse way2) to move or disturb emotionally or mentally3) (of pain, disease, etc.) to attack
Ден Озябкин
Effect - 1) something that is produced by a cause or agent; result2) power or ability to influence or produce a result; efficacy3) the condition of being operative (esp in the phrases in or into effect)
Affectation - 1) an assumed manner of speech, dress, or behaviour, esp one that is intended to impress others2) (often foll by of) deliberate pretence or false display
Анатолий Мираков
Affection - 1) a feeling of fondness or tenderness for a person or thing; attachment2) (often plural) emotion, feeling, or sentiment 3)the act of affecting or the state of being affected
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