. Составьте из данных предложений письмо таким образом, чтоб оно состояло

. Составьте из данных предложений письмо таким образом, чтоб оно состояло из 3-х логических частей: 1) вступления; 2) центральной части; 3) заключения.

В центральной доли изложите поначалу нехорошую, а затем позитивную информацию, разделив ее соответственно на два отдельных абзаца. Запишите получившееся письмо.

Dear Amy,

How are you?

The chairs are very uncomfortable too.

Im sorry I havent written for so long, but I was very busy getting ready to come to England for my summer English course.

The teachers are encouraging and the lessons are a great fun!

Unfortunately, not everything is good.

I arrived last week, and I am really enjoying myself, because the school is so well organized and friendly.

The worst thing is that the classrooms are very cramped and dark, so they are rather depressing.

I also really like my classmates, who are from all over the world, and its really interesting learning about their countries.

Write to me and tell me your plans.

I would really like you to visit me this summer.



It doesnt really matter, though, because I enjoy practicing my English and being in a foreign country.

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1 ответ
Dear Amy,
How are you?
Im sorry I havent written for so long, but I was very busy getting ready to come to England for my summer English course.
I arrived last week, and I am really enjoying myself, because the school is so well organized and friendly.
Unfortunately, not everything is good.
The worst thing is that the classrooms are very cramped and dark, so they are rather depressing. The chairs are very uncomfortable too.
It doesnt really matter, though, because I enjoy practicing my English and being in a foreign country.
The teachers are encouraging and the lessons are a great fun!
I also really like my classmates, who are from all over the world, and its really interesting learning about their countries.
I would really like you to visit me this summer.
Write to me and tell me your plans.
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