ребят помогите пожалуйста сделать желая бы некие вопросы17. Изберите правильную форму

Ребят помогите пожалуйста сделать хотя бы некие вопросы
17. Изберите правильную форму глагола.
I like to walk out and _______ the stars at night
a) to look at
b) to look out
c) to look up to
d) to look for
e) to look after
18. Изберите верный вариант (Prefix).
- patient
a) inb)
Найдите форму глагола Past Participle (II).
a) went
b) wrote
c) knew
d) been
e) teach
20. Изберите верный вариант предложения в Present Simple Tense.
a) I not usually have lunch at home.
b) I usually have not lunch at home.
c) I doesnt usually have lunch at home.
d) I usually have lunch at home.
e) I usually havent lunch at home.
21. Вопросительное предложение дополните вспомогательным словом.
What subjects _____ she good at?
a) do
b) does
c) is
d) are
e) has
22. Дополните предложение временным глаголом.
What _____ to do at the end of the lesson?
a) Do you go
b) Are you go
c) Are you going
d) Have you go
e) Will you go
23. Обусловьте, какому медли глагола относится.
The coffee _____ (to taste) delicious.
a) Present Continuous (is tasting)
b) Past Simple (tasted)
c) Present Simple (tastes)
d) Present Perfect (has tasted)
e) Past Perfekt (had tasted)
24. Укажите вариант to be going to.
a) Will you come to my house please?
b) I probably will never learn this poem.
c) I am going to visit my teacher.
d) Dont get off the train until.
e) He is doing his test now.
25. Выберите вспомогательное слово.
Why _______you learning English ?
a) do
b) did
c) are
d) have
e) ------
26. Выберите верный вариант.
Have you watered the plants, ________ ?
a) ever
b) never
c) yet
d) as
e) just
27. Укажите правильную форму прошедшего медли.
Yesterday afternoon it was still raining when I got home.
a) Past Simple Tense.
b) Future in the Past.
c) Past Perfect Tense.
d) Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
e) Past Continuous Tense.
28. К выделенному слову задайте нужный вопрос.
He is worried about the test.
a) who
b) how
c) what
d) where
e) when
29. Изберите верный вариант ступени прилагательного.
She has _____job of all.
a) a difficult
b) a more difficult
c) difficultier
d) the difficultiest
e) the most difficult
30. Окончите дробное вопросительное предложение.
He is not twenty, .?
a) is he
b) does he
c) arent he
d) isnt he
e) doesnt he

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
17 - c
18- ile
19 - b
20 - b
21 - c
22 - a
23 - d
24 - d
25 - b
26 - e
27 - c
28 - a
29 - e
30 - c
, оставишь ответ?

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