Помогите с заданием,пожалуйста.За ранее благодарю.

Помогите с заданием,пожалуйста.За ранее благодарю.

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2 ответа
This is our classroom.Theve got six desks and twelve chairs. Theve got a teachers table and a teachers chair. Theve got two bookcases and a carpet on the floor. The carpet is green, yellow and brown. The desks and the table are brown. The chairs are yellow. Two red books are on the teachers table. A green bag is on the desk. A red bag is under the desk on the floor.
Weve got two book cases and a carpet.the carpet is green . The desks and the table are brown . The chairs are yellow.two red books are on the teachers table.a green bag is o the desk . A red bag is under the desk on the floor.
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