I first met my girlfriend Charlotte through what (0) is known

I first met my girlfriend Charlotte through what (0) is known as a dating agency. We had each sent in our personal details (1) inclusion in the agencys database. The agency decided that we were a good match (2) paper and put us in touch with each (3) . Our first meeting took (4) in a restaurant in London. It was (5) people call a blind date, and (6) of us had ever been on (7) before, although we didnt realize this at the time.

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We had each sent in our personal details (1) for inclusion in the agencys database. The agency decided that we were a good match (2) on paper and put us in touch with each (3) other . Our first meeting took (4) place in a restaurant in London. It was (5) what people call a blind date, and (6) none of us had ever been on (7) screen before, although we didnt realize this at the time.

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