1. Изберите верный вариант. (Passive voice)1. America was discovered/ discovered in

1. Изберите верный вариант. (Passive voice)
1. America was discovered/ discovered in the 19th century.
2. Football played/ is played all over the world.
3. The lessons are done/ were done two hours ago.
4. Flowers are watered/ will be watered every day.
5. Food was bought/ will be bought by parents tomorrow.

2. Раскройте скобки, используя Passive voice.
1. The letter (to receive) yesterday.
2. Mikes new book (to finish) next year.
3. We (to invite) to a concert last Sunday.
4. My keys always (to lose).
5. This text (to translate) at the last lesson.

3. Изберите верный вариант. (Passive voice/ Active voice)
1. She _____ this interesting cartoon last Sunday.
a) saw b) didnt see c) wasnt seen

2. I _____ to the party by my friends a day ago.
a) will be invite b) was invited c) is invite

3. The advertisement ____ tomorrow.
a) write b) will written c) will be written

4. Lots of people _____ English as a second language.
a) learns b) are learned c) learn

5. Soon the picture _____ for the exhibition.
a) will be painted b) will painted c) painted

6. Most children _____ dogs or cats.
a) love b) loves c) are loved

7. The Japanese language ____ all over the country.
a) speak b) is spoken c) are spoken

Задать свой вопрос
2 ответа
1. was discovered
2. is played
3. were done
4. are watered
5. will be bought
1. was received
2. will be finished
3. were invited
4. are always lost
5. was translated
1. a
2. b
3. c
4. c
5. a
6. a
7. b
1.was daiscovered
2.is played
3.were done
4.are watered
5.will be bought

1.was recieved
2.will be finished
3.A concert was invited, ( почему-то там active voice, но я перевела, там быстрее всего подкол
4.are lost
5.is translated

1.saw либо didn't see без различия
2.was invited
3.will be written
5.will be painted
7.is spoken
Толик Лучинов
в 3.1 быстрее saw
Аа на да, я иногда не очень внимптельна. Спасибо!
Амелия Марсанова
was translated*
Тимур Кавуненко
Ага, посещает)
Вацкова Арина
мне произнесли, что под 3.1 с
Крышкин Егор
проверьте, правильно под 3.1 либо нет
Аделина Таратенко
Под 3.1 C не может быть 100%
ок, спасибо
, оставишь ответ?

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