Complete the dialogue using past simple questions.Use the words in the

Complete the dialogue using past simple questions.Use the words in the box.
stay do come get up see take eat
Sophie. I went to Amsterdam with my family.
Tom.Really? Where ______?
Sophie.In a hotel near the airport.
Tom. What_______?
Sophie.All the important places.We saw the Anne Frank house and the Van Gogh museum.
Tom. Cool.______any nice photos?
Sophie.Yes,I did.I took photos on my phone.
Tom.And where_____?
Sophie.In a great restaurant near our hotel.
Sophie.Late on Sunday evening.
Tom.______early on Monday?
Sophie.No,I didn't.I was very tired!

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ

1. Where did you stay?

2. What did you see?

3. Did you take any nice photos?

4. Where did you eat?

5. When did you came home?

6. Did you get up?

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