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Напишите на английском небольшой текст в 7 предложений на тему Я оптимист и почему?

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Who's optimistic? An optimist is a person whose attitude to life is always positive and positive. He tries in all cases to see the good, not to worry about unpleasant little things and especially not to fall into depression. Such a person does not make tragedies out of difficult life situations, but tries to find a solution with a fighting spirit, believing that he will succeed. After all, even the meaning of the word optimist suggests a cheerful person who looks at everything with a positive. I am an optimist and I advise everyone to be an optimist. You should always find the pros in everything, even the worst event will be a plus. And my motto Is, after a bad thing, something good will always happen. You should always be optimistic, because such a person is always easier to find a common language with other people.
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