помогите пожалуйста 4.4, кто может

Помогите пожалуйста 4.4, кто может

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1 ответ
Large - larger - the largest
tall -taller - the tallest
long - longer - the longest
easy - easier - the easiest
hot -hotter - the hottest
big - bigger - the biggest
cold - colder - the coldest
nice - nicer - the nicest
bad - badder - the baddest
strong - stronger - the strongest
short - shorter - the shortest
wide - -wider - the widest
good - goodder - the gooddest
happy - happier - the happiest
high - higher- the highest
low - lower- the lowest
busy - busier - the busiest
well -weller- the wellest
little - less - least
many - manier - the maniest
far - farther - the farthest
more wonderful - the most wonderful
more necessary - the most necessary
more quickly - the most quickly
more interesting - the most interesting
more comfortable - the most comfortable
more popular - the most popular
more active - the most active
more famous - the most famous
more pleasant - the most pleasant
more beautiful - the most beautiful
more slowly- the most slowly
more clearly - the most clearly
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