ПОМОГИТЕ Безотлагательно С АНГЛИЙСКИМ ЯЗЫКОМ 8 КЛАСС!!! Заблаговременно СПАСИБО!!!

Помогите пожалуйста мне сделать краткий пересказ этого текста!!! Обычный пересказ на британском либо на российском!!! (желанно на британском)

LIFE through the LENS
Ive been a photojournalist for the last twenty years and I m
frequently asked about the difference between what I do and what
a(n) ordinary photographer does. Well, most photographers -
paparazzi, w ildlife photographers, sports photographers, to name
but a few - use their images to illustrate an article; my photos
dont have words. I take a series of pictures that, I believe, get to
the heart of the story. It could be a conflict like Somalia or a
disaster like Hurricane Katrina and it often means spending weeks
away from home.
One of the things I love about my job is the diversity. Depending on
the story, I might be dodging bullets in a war zone, staying in a village
in India or walking the streets of Manchester with the homeless. I go
where the story is. Is it dangerous? Sometimes, but it s worth it. I met
a woman three weeks ago who told me that my coverage of war
victims in Somalia had inspired her to become a doctor. She works
for Medecins Sans Frontieres and travels the world helping the
injured. Thats what good photojournalism can achieve!
The job is charging, though, with digital photography. Photographers
used to wait days or weeks for the right moment to get the shot, but
with an HD video camera, you can film continuously and then just
freeze-frame to get the perfect picture. Im old-fashioned, though, I
still rely on my photographers instincts and a camera thats been
with me from Alaska to Zanzibar. It was with me when I took some of
my most moving pictures - the ones of the 33 Chilean miners being
rescued after two months trapped underground. The emotion on
their faces and the faces of their families w ill stay with me for a
lifetim e - and I have the pictures to prove it!

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Life through the lens
The writer is photojournalist. He is different from other photographers in that he takes photo for articles aтв shows the main things. His photos speaks without words.
He likes diversity, he is often away from home in dangerous places.
He likes variety of his work. He goes were the story is. Sometimes he has to dodge bullets, sometimes to walk with homeless.
Now photographers can take an HD film continuously and then then just freeze-frame to get the perfect picture. But the author is old-fashioned one, he relies on his photographer's instinct and his camera.
He has had his old-fashioned camera for 20 years, they have been together all over the world and had a lot of dangerous adventures.
Marina Damenkova
aтв - and (не увидела, что пунтосвитчер изменил язык)
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