ПЕРЕВЕСТИ ТЕКСТ Хорошо:У каждого есть мечта. Каждый глядел в ее изумрудные глаза, может


У каждого есть мечта. Каждый глядел в ее изумрудные глаза, может цвета океана, либо спелого кофе. Для каждого она особенная, этим и такая неподражаемая. Мы всматриваемся в ее каждый взор, дыхание, движение. Ведь только она способна держать наш целый мир.

Мечта стоит быть даже долею нашего сердца, стоит испытывать множество чувств и эмоций, таких, которые испытываем мы, которыми мы живем. Время от времени мы тонем в ее очах, идем прямо в ее объятия, ее зовзовет нас, освобождая нас от сероватой повседневности. Вот тогда мы веруем, что у нас все получится, что даже обычный сон может стать реальностью. Ведь нет ничего невероятного в человека, у которого есть мечта. Она, как Ангел Хранитель, всегда с нами, рядом, в нашем сердечко, она никуда не исчезает даже в самые тяжелые моменты, когда ее топчут ногами, разбивают ее белые крылья, которые дозволяют осуществить нам полет.

Тогда мы ощущаем то тепло, этот теплый ощупь на наших ладонях, от которого безрассудно ускоряется сердцебиение, от которого невозможно хочется продолжать жить, созидать то, что иные, вероятно, неспособны увидеть, жить теми малюсенькими чудесами, которые принуждают нас усмехаться, которые дозволяют нам быть немного счастливее. Когда в твоем сердечко живет мечта, очень хочется поделиться тем теплом, той нескрываемой радостью с иными, такими же тебе неравнодушными людьми, охото поменять этот мир к превосходнейшему, сделать его комфортнее и яснее.

Время от времени мечта это все, что мы имеем, все, что у нас остается, когда слова уходят, когда жизнь сбивает нас с ног, это единственный жизненно главный и нужный ориентир, чтоб двигаться вперед по кличу сердца. Пока мечта живет с нами, даже написана пером притча может стать реальностью

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Дмитрий Скамьин
на британский перевести
Everyone has a dream. Everyone looked into her emerald eyes, maybe the colors of the ocean, or ripe coffee. For everyone it is special, this and this unique. We peer at her every look, breath, movement. After all, only she can keep our whole world.
Дмитрий Маняка
A dream is worth being even a part of our heart, it is worth experiencing a lot of emotions and feelings, such that we experience, with which we live. Sometimes we drown in her eyes, go straight into her arms, she calls us, freeing us from the gray routine.
Эльвира Иванова-Бойцова
Then we believe that we will succeed, that even an ordinary dream can become a reality. After all, nothing is impossible in a person who has a dream. She, like the Guardian Angel, is always with us, side by side, in our heart, she does not disappear anywhere even in the most difficult moments, when she is trampled by feet, breaking her snow-white wings that allow us to fly.
Максимка Майфат
Then we feel that warmth, this warm touch on our palms, from which the heartbeat is enormously accelerated, from which we incredibly want to continue to live, to see that others may not be able to notice, live the little miracles that make us smile that allow us Be a little happier. When you have a dream in your heart, you really want to share that warmth, that unconcealed joy with other, equally indifferent people, you want to change this world for the better, make it cozier and lighter.
Витек Георгадзе
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Элина Райска
Sometimes a dream is all that we have, everything that we have left, when words leave, when life knocks us down, is the only vital and necessary reference point to move forward according to the call of the heart. While the dream lives with us, even a pen-tale can become a reality ...
2 ответа
Everyone has a dream. Everyone looked in her emerald eyes, maybe the color of the ocean, or the ripe coffee. For each it is special, and so unique. We look at her every glance, breath, movement. She's the only one able to keep our whole world.

The dream is to be a part of our hearts, is to experience the many emotions and feelings, such that we feel that we live in. Sometimes we are drowning in her eyes, go straight into her arms, her Somsavat us, freeing us from the gray everyday life. That's when we believe that we will succeed that even an ordinary dream can become a reality. There is nothing impossible in a man who has a dream. She, like angel, is always with us, close in our heart, it never disappears even in the most difficult moments, when her trample underfoot, break her white wings that allow us flight.

Then we feel the warmth, the warm touch on our palms, which madly accelerated heartbeat, which is incredibly want to continue to live, to see what others, perhaps unable to see, to live those small miracles that make us smile, allowing us to be a little happier. When in your heart lives the dream, I'd like to share that warmth, the undisguised pleasure with others, such as you caring people, I want to change the world for the better, to make it more comfortable and lighter.

Sometimes a dream is all we have, all we are left with when the word go, when life knocks us down, it is the only vital and needed guidance to move forward in his heart. While the dream lives on with us, even written with a pen the tale can become a reality...
The dream of being even a part of our heart is worth experiencing a lot of emotions and feelings, such as we experience, with which we live. Sometimes we are in her eyes, we go straight into her arms, her calls us, freeing us from the gray routine. Then we believe that everything will turn out, that even a normal dream can become a reality. After all, nothing is impossible in a person who has a dream. She, like the Guardian Angel, is always with us, side by side, in our heart, she does not disappear anywhere even in the worst moments, when she is trampled by her legs, breaking her snow-white wings that allow us to fly. Then we feel that warmth, this warm touch On our palms, from which the heartbeat is speedily accelerated, which makes you incredibly want to continue to live, to see what others may not be able to see, live with those little miracles that make us smile that allow us to be a little happier. When you have a dream in your heart, you really want to divide Xia with that warmth, That unconcealed joy with others, the same indifferent people you want to change this world for the better, make it cozier and lighter. Sometimes a dream is everything that we have, everything that We have, when the words go away, when life knocks us off our feet, this is the only vital and necessary reference point to move forward on the call of the heart. While the dream lives with us, even written with a pen, a fairy tale can become a reality.
Камилла Шеротнева
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